Iain Banks Q&A Session III – call for Q’s

Email Q&A I and Email Q&A II both went extremely well, and so Iain has asked us to set up a third call for questions from fans, readers and occasional passers-by.

Slightly shorter lead-time this time around, folks: we’d like you to send in your questions to us no later than Friday October 3rd, please – so that gives you just over two weeks to think of something devastatingly interesting to put to Iain.

We do still have a few potential candidates on file from the first two rounds, so please don’t feel the need to repeat yourself if you’ve already submitted a question that hasn’t quite made the cut yet. On the other hand, if you’d like to try a new angle, or follow-up on something that was mentioned in the first two Q&A sessions, then that’s always worth a try.

Same procedure as before, folks: send your best question (just the one per correspondent, please), by email, to orbit@littlebrown.co.uk, with the subject line ‘Iain [M] Banks Q&A Suggestion’.

We’re hoping to post the answers sometime during the week commencing October 6th, Iain’s schedule allowing, of course…